About us

About Society

جمعية خيرية لرعاية مرضى السرطان المحتاجين داخل الكويت أصدر وزير الشؤون الاجتماعية والتنمية المجتمعية ووزير الدولة لشؤون الإسكان والتطوير العمراني مبارك العرو قرارا وزاريا بإشهار ها  برقم 47 لسنة 2022 .

Our Vision

This text is an example of a text that can be replaced in the same space. This text was generated from the Arabic text generator, where you can generate such text or many other texts in addition to increasing the number of characters generated by the application

Our Mission

This text is an example of a text that can be replaced in the same space. This text was generated from the Arabic text generator, where you can generate such text or many other texts in addition to increasing the number of characters generated by the application

General Goals

This text is an example of a text that can be replaced in the same space. This text was generated from the Arabic text generator, where you can generate such text or many other texts in addition to increasing the number of characters generated by the application. If you need a larger number of paragraphs, the Arabic text generator allows you to increase the number of paragraphs as you want, the text will not appear divided and does not contain language errors, the Arabic text generator is useful for web designers in particular, where the customer often needs to see a real picture for site design. 

Strategy Goal

This text is an example of a text that can be replaced in the same space. This text was generated from the Arabic text generator, where you can generate such text or many other texts in addition to increasing the number of characters generated by the application. If you need a larger number of paragraphs, the Arabic text generator allows you to increase the number of paragraphs as you want, the text will not appear divided and does not contain language errors, the Arabic text generator is useful for web designers in particular, where the customer often needs to see a real picture for site design.

Directors Board

محمد فهيد العجمي
رئيس مجلس الإدارة
5.الدكتور/ شهاب المهندي
نائب رئيس مجلس الإدارة- ورئيس اللجنة الطبية
حمود عالي المطيري
أمين الصندوق
عايض ناصر العجمي
عضو مجلس الإدارة
احمد محمد ناصر الحمدان
عضو مجلس الإدارة
عبد الله عبيد العجمي
عضو مجلس الإدارة
فهيد محمد فرج السبيعي
عضو مجلس الإدارة
ماجد متعب سعد المطيري
عضو مجلس الإدارة